Thursday, July 17, 2014

Pairing: Booze and Brooks

Supposedly Mel Brooks had an affinity for Ballantine Ale, along with the occasional glass of wine. And since we here at Producers In Bars have an affinity for the occasional libation ourselves, compounded with our utter infatuation for good ol' Mel, I thought it would be fun to pair some of his classic hits with some choice drinks. Here we go...

SPACEBALLS - Lonestar Beer, for obvious reasons. However, I don't believe they have a raspberry variety.

YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN - Mind Eraser. A few of those and you'll be feeling "Abby Normal" yourself. Bonus: If you're courageous enough, try this pickup line...

ROBIN HOOD: MEN IN TIGHTS - Sacramental Wine...but if that's unavailable and you're still looking to get "vashnigyered", perhaps a Newcastle Brown Ale or three should accompany this flick, and may even leave you speaking with an English Accent.

HIGH ANXIETY - Red Bull and Vodka. If that doesn't wind you up, not much else will. Then drink anything else to calm yourself down.

BLAZING SADDLES - I'll recommend Bulleit Bourbon. Not only will a few swigs get you blabbering like Gabby Johnson, but it comes in a nifty bottle reminiscent of Rock Ridge and the Old West. Any whiskey will suffice really, just remember one thing, "We don't want the Irish".

HISTORY OF THE WORLD: PART I - I'd say start off with a Mudslide, commemorating the dawn of time. Then celebrate the Roman Empire with some mulled wine or, if you're not stuck with any, a Peroni might suit you. Follow that up with some Spanish Inquisition sangria, finishing with a nice French wine of your choosing…boy, you'll certainly be ripe for revolution. In fact, all of that might have you attempting your best 'Hitler on Ice' impersonation, or believing that you too are a 'Jew in Space'. Either way, the culminating hangover will likely make you wish you were headed for the guillotine instead.

If there are any other Brooksfilms out there deserving of a cocktail selection, or you have a different opinion for any of the flicks listed here, please share. I made sure to cover the classics, and it is my list of course. So in the words of Mel…

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