Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Toast to Seinfeld, Part 2: Ring Dings and Pepsi

We came up with Part 2 of A Toast to Seinfeld, not because we forgot about the following episodes, but because it gave us an excuse to keep talking about Seinfeld. As if we needed another excuse. It also gives you another excuse to read Part 1 again. As if you needed another excuse. Enjoy.

The Dinner Party (Season 5, Episode 13)

There actually was no drinking in this episode at all, but the topic of wine played a major role, and 2 scenes were shot in a liquor store. George and Elaine have that age old argument of what to bring to a dinner party: Wine or Pepsi. Tough call, I know. "No way wine is better than pepsi!" George ultimately loses the argument, because, as we learn, he's slightly afraid of Elaine. And because of his gortex coat, he is forced to buy more than one bottle after knocking down a bunch of them in the store. Also in the episode, we learn two things: 1) there is another babka: cinnamon, and 2) Jerry had a 14 year (June 29, 1980) non-vomit streak until he ate the Black & White Cookie, the key to racial equality. So grab some ring dings, pepsi, a Clark Bar, a pack of chewing gum, a newspaper, and a Penthouse Forum.

The Merv Griffin (Season 9, Episode 6)

One of my all time favorite episodes, Kramer finds pieces of the old Merv Griffin Show set and recreates it in his apartment. But the secondary story was that Jerry was dating Celia, who had all the classic toys and games we all loved as kids, including the old Mattel football game that I actually had. However, in order for Jerry to play with her toys, he needed to give her something to fall asleep. So when he invites George over, George brings a box of wine. And there's no better tasting wine than wine that comes in a box.

The Hot Tub (Season 7, Episode 5)

For those of us in NYC, this episode holds a special place in our hearts. "You tell that son of a bitch, no Yankee is ever coming to Houston as long as you bastards are running things!!" George is asked to entertain a few guys from the Houston Astros, who turn out to be huge scotch drinkers. Because as we all know, everyone from Texas is a huge drinker. One of the guys asks George, "Are you a big drinker, George?" To which George replies, "Well, maybe not as big as this bastard, but I can hold my own." That's how they talk in the Major Leagues.

The Fatigues (Season 8, Episode 6)

Frank Costanza used to be a cook in the Army. But he hasn't cooked since the incident in Korea. In an attempt to convince Frank to cook the meal for his Jewish singles event, Kramer asks Frank to tell him the story. If anything can lead someone to drink, it's poisoning a bunch of soldiers. And boy, does Frank know how to drink!!

The Bizarro Jerry (Season 8, Episode 3)

Almost forgot about this one. Who hasn't had a long day at work and needed a stiff drink? Kramer starts working at Brandt Leyland and the stress...after only two days...is too much for him. So he comes home (Jerry's apartment) and pours himself what looks like a glass of Johnnie Walker Black Label. But can you blame him? Getting fired from a job that you don't really even work at would drive anyone to a glass of scotch, right?

So here's to Seinfeld. Salud. L'Chaim. Cheers! If I've left any more episodes off the list, let me know about it. And let's keep the discussion going.

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