Animal rights activist group PETA announced today its intention to boycott the 2016 Academy Awards due to the “lack of nominations for animal actors”.
“Throughout history, the Academy has put animal actors on the chopping block,” said a PETA spokesperson. “The camels in Lawrence of Arabia. The whale in Free Willy. Clyde the Orangutan in Every Which Way But Loose was twice as entertaining as Clint Eastwood. And don’t even get me started on Seabiscuit. It’s the fucking title of the movie!!”
Apparently the straw that broke the camel’s back* was this year’s Best Picture nominee, The Revenant, starring Leonardo DiCaprio.
“Leo is a fine actor, don’t get me wrong,” the spokesperson continued. “But that bear put everything it had into that role. And actually died for it. Heath Ledger dies after filming The Dark Knight and wins an award. The bear dies, on camera mind you, in The Revenant and what does it get? It becomes a coat for Leo, who in turn gets nominated for Best Actor. It’s just not right.”
A spokesperson for the Academy of Arts and Sciences said there’s a perfectly good explanation for animals not receiving nominations. “If they paid their Guild dues like everyone else, maybe they’d get nominated.”
*PETA disapproves of this phrase.
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