In honor of Jason Alexander's birthday, I figured it's a perfect time to receive some life lessons from Jason's most famous, and my personal favorite role...George Louis Costanza. Now I know what you must be asking. "Bri, George provided so much wisdom. How can you put it all in just one post?" I agree. It's impossible to put them all here. So I've included my top 7. Why 7? Naturally, that's George's name for his unborn child, in honor of his idol, Mickey Mantle.
So without further ado...7 life lessons from George Louis Costanza. Follow these tips, and your life will be perfect.
How to Deliver the Perfect Comeback
We've all been in that situation where someone tells us off or makes us the butt of a joke. And we've all struggled to come back quickly with the perfect response. George nails it with jerk store. "Jerk store. JERK STORE!"
How to perform on a job interview
Nobody tells it like it is like Opposite George. And when George is interviewing for a job with the Yankees, he lets Mr. Steinbrenner how he really feels. And guess what? It lands him the job. Always shoot from the hip.
How to Pull Off the Roommate Switch
It's a delicate situation, once again, we've all been there. You're dating someone, but you like her (or his) friend (or roommate) a little more. George has the perfect plan. It's almost too perfect.
How to (Not) Sell Computers
At some point in our lives, we have to sell something. Be it computers, widgets, or ourselves. But sales is sales. And of course, nobody does it better (or worse) than George.
How to Hit a Baseball
It's widely known to be the hardest thing to do in sports...hit a baseball. But when George stops having sex, he becomes a genius...and an expert in hitting. Kids, pay attention.
How to Look Busy at Work
Look, we get it. You're sitting at your desk at work, and, let's face it, either not interested in doing any work, or bored out of your mind. But you don't want the boss to walk by and think you're lazy. So you fake it. George shows us how.
How to Prevent Worlds Colliding
Men need their independence. But we also need companionship. It's pretty simple really. So the key is keeping those two worlds separate. Because when they collide, it blows up.
Of course, if none of the above works, when all else fails, you should always do the opposite.
Let us know what we missed. We'd love to hear from you and keep the discussion going.
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